Join the Okido Family Yoga School owners, Saburo and Hisae Ishii senseis workshops on October 12th-13th OR 19th-20th 2024

What to expect in this workshop?

In this 2-day long workshop, attendees will be guided through an exploration of the Sun Salutations from the Japanese yoga perspective. Followed by some Okido yoga, Sotai corrective exercises for injuries, Hogushi massage technique for muscle releasing to improve asanas, Okido yoga purification exercises, and Tanden (=Hara) exercises for mental health.

Lunch will be provided on both days. The workshops will run from 10am to 4pm both days.

Accommodation can be provided and is additional/optional for anyone coming from out of town or interstate.

Benefit from the immense experience and extensive knowledge of these Japanese masters with some Q&A sessions during the workshops.

These workshops will be taught for the first time in Australia, and will only be held in Sydney at Newport Yoga Centre, at the community centre. Join us on the 19th and 20th of October 2024 (FIRST WEEKEND IS FULLY BOOKED).

Prices and booking details


10 spots available only – Book ASAP!

For bookings and enquiries:

Message Tania – 0418 602 202

Email us – tania@newportyogacentre.com.au

To book, simply send us an email titled “LAST NAME” + OKIDO WORKSHOP. In it, tell us how many spots you are booking for, and attach a receipt of the FULL AMOUNT paid onto the following account:

BSB 062211 ACC 10050075 Account Name TLC

Note that partial payments does NOT secure your spot, and we require a full deposit to be paid. Cancellation policy: full refund if you cancel 1 month prior to event, 50% refund after that (12th of september)

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