Learn to create a feast of delicacies from fresh organic produce, discovering the foods & cooking methods that harmonise your body with the energies of the season.
Whole Food Cooking Classes in Newport
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De-frosting, microwaving and heating packet dinners IS NOT COOKING. As more of these foods are consumed the health of our whole society has deteriorated. Not to worry, Tania Elder will teach you all you need to know.
This includes shopping for the best organic produce, dry goods and condiments to make your family delicious healthy meals which HEAL your digestive system and bring the organs to a level of functioning you will not have felt for years.
Tania teaches WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION from the glorious location of her own kitchen overlooking Bungan Beach. Whether you wish to learn via A PRIVATE one on one environment, or you would like to get a group of friends together and make your cooking class a social event – these cooking classes will set you off on a whole new direction, in terms of what you eat, and more importantly, what not to eat.
Easy to follow take home notes & recipes are provided for all workshops & retreats.
As each season changes Tania Elder holds workshops designed to show her clients how our food requirements change with the seasons. Lighter, pickled foods for Summer and hearty, slow-cooked casseroles for Winter. Not only are these workshops informative; they are fun, and a bounty of food and recipes are yours to take home with you, along with your new-found knowledge that will last you a life time.
Tania is also very experienced in the application of food-based medicines and remedies for everyday ailments. Tania will show you how to use plant-based remedies for issues such as colds, sore throats, sprained ankles, ear infections, kidney and gall stones as well as those for babies and children which will HAVE NONE OF THE SIDE EFFECTS that pharmaceutical drugs do. All Tania’s remedies are tried, tested and proven and have absolutely NO TOXIC effect on the human system. Learn to be your own family doctor – with Tania’s clear and easy to understand Remedy Workshops.
Tania understands we learn best starting with the basics – working our way up to more elaborate festive style dishes and recipes. So do not worry, if your cooking skills need up-dating – this is the perfect way to begin you new life and love of WHOLE FOODS.